Our little Benjamin is nine months old now and doing well. He's also following in the footsteps of his father and exploring everything imaginable. He loves to help me unload the dishwasher (even if I'm actually
loading it) but if I don't roll out the bottom rack, he uses the opportunity to climb inside and then stand on it to reach the counter top and anything that happens to be on it. Same goes for the fridge. Whenever I get something out, he races over to it, stands up, and climbs the shelves like a ladder until he can reach the top shelf and remove anything there.
He also adores the vaccuum and I have to be very careful I don't run over his fingers as he's constantly trying to grab it.

So, from his repeated head-first dives off the side of the couch, to his daily improvements in walking, to his newest obsession with sticking his hands in anything I'm feeding him, he is keeping us quite entertained! It's a riot. We are having so much fun watching him develop. It never ceases to amaze me that this beautiful little spirit is our child! We are so blessed to have him.