Thursday, October 19, 2023

End of a Season

It's the end of marching band season.  The more relaxed schedule will be great but I am feeling a bit weepy as we approach Benjamin's last time on the field, leading the drumline.  Marching band is like a family and I've been so happy that Benjamin has been able to be a part of it.

Cross country season also came to an end this week.  Christian did phenomenally well.  He improved consistently and always worked hard.  He said he really enjoyed it and wants to continue with track in the spring.  I love how Christian always sets the bar high for himself. He strives for perfection and works hard to achieve it.  What makes me worry, as a mom, is that he is so crazy hard on himself when he doesn't achieve that standard.  No one is perfect all the time and when he isn't perfect, he loses sight of how much good he's done and becomes so depressed.

He competed in districts yesterday - an achievement just to have made it that far - but he didn't get the time he was shooting for and he left very upset.  Ignoring the fact that he's only a 7th grader competing against older boys, on a crazy hard unfamiliar hilly course when he's only competed on flat ground.  I was sad he couldn't rejoice in how well he did because I was certainly proud.  I look forward to running with him in the off season whenever weather permits.

Bella has been doing well too.  Marching band and scouts has kept her very busy.  She also attended the Homecoming dance with some friends.  I love that they don't always have to have a date to attend the dances.  So different from when I was in school.

This is the most recent court of honor.  She received the rank of star.

Peter continues to be his sweet, precocious self.  With fall comes endless pine needles and leaves to rake which he loves to jump in.  Preschool is going well and we've been enjoying fall cider mills on warm days and museum trips on yucky days.

In preschool they got to hammer decorations into their pumpkins.  He had a fabulous time doing that.