This month Peter has been very busy. We are going through the application process for the academically accelerated program at Webster Elementary. The older three attended this program and I'd love Peter to go there too, but the process to get in is extensive. He went there three separate times this month for various tests ranging in span from a 4 hour test to a 90 minute test. During the next phase of the application, they contact current teachers for recommendations. Then finally they combine all that data to inform their decision which they make at a meeting of the selection committee. We'll know in a few weeks if he gets in. I'm friends with the testers and they told me after he was done that they were amazed by him. "You Daltons sure are something!" one of them said. That gave me hope that things went well. Peter also said he felt good about the results. Each time he left he told me, "That was easy!"
In the mean time, he's started a few other classes. He's still taking swimming and doing great, but he asked to do soccer again and he's been interested in skating, so we signed up for those lessons too. The same week we started skating lessons, I heard about an outdoor skate track someone made. It was supposedly in the woods nearby so we drove over there and hiked around to find it. No idea who made it but it was really cool. 1/4 mile ice track in a clearing in the woods. Peter was a grumpy pants about it and didn't really want to do it. Really not sure why other than his rainy brain was in full force all day that day, but I managed to get a smile out of him for the selfie. I really hope Peter grows out of his strong pessimistic tendencies as he gets older because they are exhausting for me and so limiting for him. Then we hiked around in the woods and he grumped the entire time through that too. I was so enamored by the sunshine and somewhat warmer weather that I wasn't going to let his mood get to me. I had a wonderful time.

A more accurate picture of his mood:
My soccer pictures leave a lot to be desired, but here's a few of his first day at his new soccer class. I signed him up with WAZA soccer. It's run by an acquaintance of mine who's an amazing soccer player. I knew Peter could be great if he really did what the coach said but again his rainy brain and shyness got the better of him and he spent a lot of time standing around and hanging back. I managed to catch a few shots of him having fun and trying hard and I praised him for his effort.
I have been trying to play soccer with him during the week but he's refused to do that. After asking why he asked to take soccer again but doesn't seem to want to play, I found out that the only reason he said he wanted to do soccer again was because the coach he had last time gave out candy after practice each week and he wanted candy again. Now that this coach doesn't give out candy, he doesn't want to go. I offered to bring a little piece of candy each week if he plays and participates. We'll see how things go.
Other Peter moments:
Getting a quick lunch at Panera Bread between swim lessons and testing at Webster. He's holding up a little keychain he got at swim lessons.
Sledding. He was wiped after running up the hill so many times. He's an awesome daredevil, though. He'll sled down any-which-way and he's not afraid in the slightest. It's so fun to see.
About 10 times a day I hear "Mom, take a picture!" Here are some of those moments.
Peter also loves to bowl. I'm not great but I like to bowl occasionally too, so on some very cold days, this made for a fun afternoon...unless I win. I don't always beat him but the bumpers are a real advantage and things worked out for me the day this picture was taken. "This is the worst afternoon ever!" he declared. Alas, such is life, my friend. Can't win them all. The one saving grace with Peter is that he's easily distracted from his moodiness and he's easily won over by cuddles.
Benjamin has been transferred to a new area. He's no longer in Dodge. We find out tomorrow where exactly he is now but while he was still in Dodge, we got a sweet Facebook message from a woman in his ward there. She said they all love Elder Dalton and shared these pictures with us. So awesome to see him doing so well. The gospel of Jesus Christ really is the true source of joy and I'm so glad Benjamin is learning that for himself.