Thursday, July 31, 2008

Storing Up for Winter

Isabella is acquiring something that Benjamin never had - fat stores. No matter how much I fed Benjamin, he never had fat rolls or a double chin, but my sweet "little" girl has these in abundance. I think this picture is so cute because it captures her in all her double-chin, poofy hair glory. They say you're awkward in middle school, but I'd say infancy is pretty funny too. :) I just wish I could capture her smile on camera because her whole face lights up and you can't help but smile back.

Just a few quick pics of Benjamin and his buddies, before I go to bed. We had a little swim get together here today and it was so much fun. Despite toddlers' inability to share and frustrating tendency to only want what someone else has and only while they have it, I loved watching them play together and eat together. I wish we could have people over every day and so does Benjamin! As soon as they left, he thrust his arms out and wailed, "Maya!!" in his most pathetic voice. I can't wait until he and Isabella can play together.


Tara G. said...

Bella still seems so little to me! I'm glad she is such a good eater, one less thing to worry about. Thanks for having us over, Maya loves to play with Benjamin. (Is that obvious yet?)

ZJBrewCrew said...

It's so great that Benjamin has such good little friends! They are so cute! Cute little Isabella --- She seems like such a good girl! Love the double chin -- a babies not a baby without it! :)

T and B said...

Martha had the exact same virus as Benjamin. Her fever got really high as well, especially at night. I hope Benjamin is doing better now.

Bella is so cute. It's fun to see her grown.