Benjamin, having never seen a single show containing batman, spiderman, or superman, has somehow become enamored with them. Each day he proudly dons his dishtowel cape and gallantly comes to my aid. "You need help?" he asks. "Need help find your cat?" "You stuck in the mud?" "Your tummy hurts?" Each day it's a new adventure for our hero. When we seem to be having a lot of fun, Isabella doesn't want to be left out. So she suits up and Superwoman flys through the house behind us.

When our super heroes aren't coming to the aid of helpless mommies, they can usually be found getting mud facials. Rain is no hindrance for them when bound for the playground. Rain or shine, there will be play. When it's done, I strip them down to their undies and drive them home. You'll never see more satisfied, I mean, superheroes.

Here our intrepid crusaders found a lowly daddy in need of help picking raspberries. We all spent the morning painstakingly picking these delectables one by one. You really take berries for granted when you buy them by the box at the store. But they sure are delicious. Not to mention the peaches we got at the same farm.

And when Batman zonks out on the drive home from an action-packed raspberry picking adventure, Superwoman is right there to sneak into the bat cave and test out the newest gadgets (or newest floating toy boat). Benjamin has been playing with his new toy boat and truck for days and has been jealously guarding it from the reaching hands of little sisters. She wasted no time in finding this treasure and trying it out for herself... and loved every minute of it.

I guess I'm Alfred in all this.

We all know Batman would have been nothing without his butler.