How can you not love this little guy? He is so stinkin' cute! I have to keep reminding myself of that when it's 1 and 3 and 5 in the morning and he's crying hysterically. It's at those times that I have to smell his head and hold his snuggly little body and remind myself that really I do love him, even if I'm so brain dead from sleep deprivation that I'm a hazard to myself and others. Case in point #1: Benjamin asked me yesterday what a national anthem is and when I told him it was a country's song, he asked me to sing ours. I couldn't remember it. I stood there staring at him and couldn't come up with "The Star Spangled Banner" or the lyrics or even the tune!! I finally had to go on Youtube and play it. Case in point #2: Took the kids shopping. Got them all in the car, drove to the store and what did I not bring? MONEY! Yes, I brought snacks, diapers, bottle for Christian, but not money. So much for our shopping trip. Case in point #3: I'm a member of a book club. Each month we choose a book to read. Sometimes we choose a few books in advance too. Apparently everyone else was clear on when we were reading each book. I, however, was not, and read next month's book. At least I'm prepared! Case in point #4: I decided to make lasagna for dinner, so I walked over to the freezer to thaw some beef. I have no memory of what happened next. Apparently I never thought of beef again because all I know is 3 hours later, I'm at the stove ready to start the lasagna and there's no thawed beef. I have no idea why I never made it to the freezer, but needless to say, we had vegetarian lasagna tonight. Case in point #5: I teach the nursery class at church (children 18 months to 2 years). There is one boy with a milk allergy. I remembered that when we started passing out snack (quesadillas) and made a point not to give him one. About 3 seconds later as I'm rounding the table and get to his place, I drop on one his plate. Next thing I know, one of the other teachers is saying, "That has milk in it!" and grabs the chewed up bite out of his mouth. I felt so incredibly terrible I wanted to walk out and never come back. Case in point #6: I was preparing a bottle for Christian. I'd already poured in 2 oz. of pumped milk, so I needed 4 oz. of formula. I thought, "I need 4 ounces" then I proceeded to pour in enough water and formula for 2 and shook the bottle and it wasn't until I saw that there was still some missing that I realized I'd only prepared 2 oz. How can I forget something I thought of only seconds before!? Need I go on with examples? Let's not forgot the stories I wrote about here. I'm a mess. But he sure is cute, isn't he? He makes the funniest pterodactyl-like sounds too. He cracks me up.
Bella seems to think he's cute too. Yesterday all day long she'd come up next to him and ask me to take their picture. Although, I'm not so sure it was really about Christian, because as soon as I got out the camera, she'd strike a model pose with head back, legs stretched out, arm posed just so. So hilarious. I was always laughing too hard to take a picture. She finally gave up and just smiled for the camera.
At Benjamin's request, I took the kids to the mall today to play on what a friend of mine once called "the giant germ." It's the kids' play area which is made up of colorful climbable structures in various shapes. Benjamin is actually above the height limit for the play area, but I told him he could play on it when there weren't too many little kids. He was really good about keeping that rule and so I offered to also let him go on the new bungee cord ride they have next to the play area. Of course, that means Bella gets to too. Sadly, I forgot to take pictures until Bella got on after Benjamin, but they were both so excited. This thing is a blast. If I didn't have to hold Christian, I would have gone on it. Benjamin was jumping so high on it I thought he'd hit the ceiling. Bella was more cautious, but they both laughed the whole time. I told Kelly that he's going to have to take Christian some time so I can go on it too.
Don't be so hard on're an awesome mom!
Great pics. Awesome kids.
Sleep deprivation is hard! I was talking to my mom one day and she said when she thinks about having young children she just remembers the total, complete, debilitating exhaustion. I sometimes think.. I would be such a great mom if I could just ever get a full night's sleep! Good luck!
Yes, we too are up three times a night. Today there will be a nap!
Luke rarely slept through the night until he was about 18 months old... so sleep deprivation and the brain dead mommy moments are something I am VERY familiar with...I can't believe I've just gotten past the long nights, and I'm already preparing to start over with number 2. LOL... call me crazy!
I love reading your blog... hope you get some more sleep soon. :) Miss you guys!
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