Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Little Graduate!!

Benjamin has officially graduated from preschool. I scoffed when the teacher counseled us to bring tissues to the graduation ceremony. I should have listened. The whole thing was so adorable. They wore sashes, (rather than mortar boards which made the whole ceremony seem a bit beauty-pageant like, but were so much easier to deal with!) marched down the isle, sang a few songs, and received their diploma. Then came the part they all really wanted - punch and cookies. Benjamin did great. You could tell he was so happy and proud. My little boy is growing up.

I don't know how well you can hear his teacher in this video. As each child stood up to get their diploma, the teacher read off some of their favorite things and what they want to be when they grow up. For Benjamin she read, "Benjamin's favorite color is blue. His favorite book is The Little Groundhog. His favorite food is chocolate chip cookies. His favorite activity in preschool is the space shuttle. He wants to be a scuba diver when he grows up." Other occupational choices among his classmates included: ninja, king, bear hunter, crocodile hunter, and cash register girl. I really love the school he's attended. They are very loving and kind but run a tight ship and the kids really respond well. I also am amazed how well they learn the quirks of each individual and work so well with each child's needs. I hope he enjoys Kindergarten just as much.

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