Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Overcoming Covid Isolation

 I've been trying to help Peter become more comfortable around children by going to playgrounds and library events, etc.  Our church organizes a weekly playgroup that meets at local parks every Tuesday.  I take him each week in the hope that he'll make some friends among the young kids.  We have 6 boys and 3 girls in our ward all born within a few months of him.  Today we took one of the girls with us because her mother had a doctor's appointment.  I worried he'd be uncomfortable with her in the car and with me taking care of her, but he didn't seem to mind at all.  He warmed right up to having her next to him in the car and the two of them followed each other around the park all morning.  They didn't really play together, which you wouldn't expect of toddlers anyway, but they happily stayed close to one another and interacted really well.  It was so fun for me too - having two little toddlers at the park.  Two little blondies, the exact same height, playing together, made me look like I had twins and it was fun to imagine I did.  I would gladly have taken her back home with me.  When her mom arrived and we went our separate ways, the little girl cried and tried to get into my car and Peter pointed to her empty seat all the way home, making expressions and motions that indicated he missed her and wanted her back.  It was really sweet to see the two of them bonding.  It gives me hope that the effects of Covid isolation for Peter will be shorter lived than I'd feared.

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