Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Winter Happenings

There's not a lot going on in this post-holiday, cold weather time.  Just trying to stay upbeat as the temperatures plummet and the school year drags on.  

Benjamin has be assigned a new companion.  Elder Ayala.   His third companion from California.  They get along well and he seems to be a very kind, hard-working missionary.

They also had their mission Christmas party last month.  It included food and minute-to-win-it games.  Benjamin has always done very well at those.

 Kelly and I received free tickets to the symphony from friends who were unexpectedly unable to use them and know how much I love going.  That was a lot of fun.  We shared the 4 tickets with Ann and Tim Cartwright and had a wonderful evening of dinner and the concert.  It was the night of the last Detroit Lions game, so we ditched a bit early to catch the end of the game (when they lost we wished we hadn't) but it was a wonderful dinner and a fantastic performance.  I'm not a huge fan of Stravinsky and Shostakovich.  That's why I didn't include that performance in my season ticket selection.  However, when you're offering me the tickets for free, I'll go, of course.  Honestly, nothing compares to listening to classical music performed live and by such amazingly talented performers.  It made songs I've heard many times on my phone and not appreciated, come alive.  I was on the edge of my seat and loved it.  It filled my soul as the symphony always does.  Nothing compares.  I can't wait until next month. 

We were so high up in the back compared to our usual seats that we joked we could have watched the lion's game during the concert and no one would have noticed.  I said to Kelly, "I normally like to watch the musician's faces while they play."  He squinted down at the stage and said, "I am fairly sure they HAVE faces."  The beauty of orchestra hall, though, was that despite the location, the music quality wasn't diminished in the slightest.  It was still wonderful.

Peter was invited to a friend's birthday party at a new play place in the area.  We'd never been there and I was a bit nervous he'd refuse to play and sit by me the entire time.  This place was too cool not to play.  Roller slides with little carts to ride, giants superfast slides, tons of climbing spaces, and even a soccer area up in the climbing structure.  He played for hours without issue.  It was a great way to get out on a day so cold that they canceled school for two days due to low temps.

It was my friend's birthday and so I called her and chatted for a while in my room.  Peter hated being shut out and not being able to play with me, so when the conversation ran a little long (in his opinion), I received these notes under my door.  So cute.  I ended up letting him come in and just sit next to me as I talked.  He was satisfied with that and quickly grew bored and went off to play again.

The kids have been very busy with school and extra-curriculars.  In addition, they attended the temple with other youth from the church.  They all went to Dairy Queen afterwards and had a great time.

Christian decided to take advantage of the low temps and build an ice rink in the backyard.  He took painter's tarp and some extra 2x4s from the garage and made a box which he filled with water.  The next day he had an ice rink that he and Peter had a great time playing on.  It wasn't everything he'd imagined due to some unforeseen unevenness in our lawn but it was a lot of fun. Peter even more than Christian.  Here Christian is spinning Peter on the ice.    Even after Christian and I went to play football, Peter stayed and played on the ice for a long time. I loved hearing his little giggles and squeals of glee as he slid around. And yes, my finger is finally healed enough that I can play football again.  The surgeon says I have to wear the splint during "risky activities" but otherwise I'm good to go.  It still hurts some but it's so nice to not have a splint on all the time.  

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