Sunday, January 22, 2023

A Few Picture Highlights

 The beginning of January has been pretty routine so far.  School, church, etc.  Nothing new to report, except that Christian has been called to be Deacon's quorum president at church and it's been wonderful to see him stepping into that role and taking on the responsibilities of running meetings, teaching lessons, fellowshipping quorum members, and planning activities.  He's such a great young man and it's been so gratifying to watch him grow and learn.  Peter has left the world of nursery behind and is now in the primary - in the Sunbeam class.  He was sad that there wouldn't be toy time and snack time anymore, but he's adjusted to the new routine and is proud of being an older kid now.  Plus, they moved his nursery teacher with him so the teacher knows him well and has continued the snack tradition after all.  He especially loves the time they spend singing with the whole group.  I got to be in there the first Sunday and saw him get called up with his class as everyone sang a welcome song to the new kids.  Such little cuties.

Other than that, I'll just post a few more cute pictures of Peter.   I love seeing him interact with Benjamin.  Something about the visual of my oldest and youngest together is always intriguing to me.  Benjamin loves Peter but he is often annoyed by him and they don't spend too much time together, so I try hard to document any time they share, like when Benjamin says yes to the constant question of "Will you read to me?"

Random selection:  Playdoh with his friend after church. 

The morning he woke up WAY too early (5:15am) but refused to go back to bed, so I made him a bed in the kitchen while I made breakfast and packed lunches and he fell back asleep until 9:30 right there.

He's been playing with legos and duplos every day.  Up until now about 99.9% of what he makes are things he calls guns.  Yesterday he came up with a little guy he'd made which he called "muscle man."  So cute.  I love seeing his creativity flourish. 

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