Friday, May 02, 2014

Spring Break

The kids and I flew to Utah for Spring Break this year.  Such a fun trip.  The flight over went surprisingly well.  We were running late that morning, as always, so we didn't have time to eat lunch before we left.  After we'd gone through security, I took the kids to a food court area and got them all some ridiculously overpriced things to eat.  Then we took a quick bathroom break and got on the plane.  Not a minute to spare.  As were were walking on the plane, a woman spoke to me and said that she'd been watching me and my kids since we'd started eating and wanted to compliment them on what wonderful, well-behaved kids they were.  I thought that was really nice.  They were wonderful during the flight as well - reading, coloring, eating, and looking out the window without fighting or disrupting.  I was very relieved.  After the flight, as we were walking to baggage claim, a man stopped us and said, "I just have to tell you, you are the most wonderful family.  It was such a pleasure being on the plane with you and your kids."  Who says that?!  "It was a pleasure being on the plane with you"!?!  That made me feel like a rockstar mom, I have to say.   So that got our trip off to a good start and we had a great week.


We had a wonderful Easter.  The music leader in primary in my mom's ward is fabulous and it was so nice to be in primary but not be in charge! :)  Then we came home and hunted for eggs.  Christian found the coveted Golden Egg which granted him special privileges, but being the incredibly sweet kid that he is, he gave it to Bella almost without hesitation.  My jaw dropped at that but I really shouldn't be surprised.  He's just that kind of a guy.

Time with cousins, aunts, and uncles:

Benjamin's favorite thing about his cousin's house (besides the people, of course) is the river in their back yard and their motorcycles.  He made sure to get plenty of riding time in.  The others were content to ride with their uncle.

Trip to the aquarium:

I took a lot of pictures at the aquarium, but my lack of photographic ability, mixed with the funky lighting of the aquarium combined to turn all my photos into junk except this one.  I wanted a happy smiling picture but they wanted to do a "freaked out that we might get eaten" picture.  You take what you can get.  I guess their version really makes more sense.  Who's happy and smiling when they're inside a shark's mouth?

Trip to Temple Square:

This was the best shot I got.  I wanted a cute picture with the kids in front and the temple in the background, but Bella was hiding and Benjamin had just pushed Christian so he was about to punch him and it all just spiraled down from there.  Again, take what you can get.  Where are those wonderful "it's been a pleasure being on the plane with you" kids??  Oh yes, they are now the jet-lagged, sleep deprived, thrown out of their normal routine kids.  Not such pleasures anymore.

My efforts at a cute temple square picture ended here. Bella had gotten her hand wet in the fountain and was wiping it on Christian, much to his dismay.  That's when we gave up and went to Deseret Book to buy Benjamin his first set of scriptures as a baptism present.  Only a few months until he turns 8!

The trip was over way to quickly.  I got to see my dearest friends as well.  We went to the Bombay House and Thai Siam to eat - my favorite restaurants in the area.  Never get tired of those places.  Never.   And those Indian guys at Bombay House are so funny!  They have such a tricky dry sense of humor that it always catches me off guard.  Nothing like a serious looked guy in a turban cracking jokes with a completely straight face.  So funny!  Never gets old.  I feel like no matter how much I manage to see my friends during my trips, it's never enough.  I want that TV show life where the best friends live next door to each other and walk into each others' kitchens all day long unannounced but always welcomed.  Like Lucy and Ethel - just living life together in each other's apartments.  I try to tell myself it would make me sick of my friends if we lived like that, but I have a hard time believing it.  I'd really like to give it a try.

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