Sunday, October 18, 2020

Final Result

Today we finished up the pumpkins.  Bella painted several and Benjamin finally got the chance to carve his.  I was happy to see that even though he's become too old for many of the things he used to love doing, he was still very excited when he saw I'd hollowed out a pumpkin for him and he could get a chance to carve.  Christian wanted to paint a pumpkin too but shortly after starting, he realized how tedious it was.  Coat after coat of paint was required to cover the color of the pumpkin and create his desired effect and he was constantly getting his fingers in the paint and ruining his work.  "It hurts to watch Christian paint," was Bella's comment.  She criticized his choice of paintbrush, the amount of paint he applied, and his over-all technique.  Her beratement combined with his natural tendency to get frustrated very quickly when he can't do something perfectly from the start, caused him to abandon the project and give all his pumpkins to Bella.  He sat down at his laptop and coded a pumpkin just as he wanted it - size, shape, and color - to his liking.  That made him much happier.

Benjamin's carved pumpkin is on the left, Christian's in the middle, and Bella's on the right.  All painted and decorated pumpkins are Bella's work.

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