Saturday, June 24, 2006

I'm going insane

Now I feel silly that I ever got excited about contractions two weeks ago. I've since been 50% effaced and dilated to a 1 for over a week now, despite hard contractions, day and night for 9 straight days. I wake up with them, deal with them all day long, and yet - nothing. So, to keep myself from going completely insane as I enter my 41st week of pregnancy, I have cleaned every square inch of my apartment - from the blades on the kitchen ceiling fan to the bathroom cabinets and drawers and I decided to compile my profile pictures. In the first two you really can't see a bump, so I've started at week 27 and ended with the picture I took this morning at week 41. I'm not the best at web publishing, so the image is really grainy. I couldn't figure out how to get all those pictures into one uploadable image without going through word, then converting that to a pdf and then to a jpg. Naturally the process corrupted the images quite a bit. If any computer geniuses have a better idea, I'm up for suggestions. But regardless, the main idea is there - I'm getting bigger and bigger and bigger. At this point I feel like my skin is going to rip apart if he doesn't come out soon.

1 comment:

Julia said...

Congratulations, Kelly and Michelle!

Welcome to the world, Ben!