Saturday, June 09, 2007

Let's Go Outside Today; See what We Can Find Today

Benjamin loves being outside. He stands by the window all the time, pointing at the things outside and babbling excitedly. Once outside, he'll cry if I take him in too early. So, often I let him play on the balcony where there aren't so many things he can stick in his mouth and I don't have to chase him as much (as I do at the playground). He loves it! He watches the cars and people passing below, the insects flying by, and the trees waving in the wind. He also never tires of sticking his hands in my planter boxes and pulling out handfuls of dirt. In fact, today he was so riveted by the goings on that he actually let me take some pictures! He only rushed the camera once. I can't wait until we have our backyard. Speaking of which, only 12 more days until the house is ours! We still have no idea what colors to paint the basement but we found someone in the ward who is willing to be our consultant and apparently good quality, inexpensive carpet can be found in Dalton, Georgia, of all places. So we're going to check that out. It's all so new and so much to deal with, but we're getting there. Baby steps, baby steps.

Our little bibliophile can regularly be found examining his books. He scatters them on the floor and then proceeds to examine the pages, pointing at objects, babbling and turning the pages back and forth. It's enough to make a mother gush with pride. :)

He sure loves his daddy. In fact, I have a special ringtone on my phone for Kelly and when Benjamin hears it, he regularly yells, "Da!"


Anonymous said...

Again - I love the pictures. They are priceless. Kelly and Benjamin are amazing together. I would love to have pictures of you with Benjamin, too. Are you watching him closely on that balcony?
Have you found a color for the basement? My favorite color is navaho-white. Looks great.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Looks like you have a climber also. Sam and Hannah both love to be outside, the problem is Sam knows how to get out and is nice enough to let Hannah out as well. Aren't they fun! AJ