Happy New Year everyone! We just got back yesterday from our vacation. We had a ton of fun and are sad to be away from everyone again, but being home is nice too. We look forward to a new year. This coming year Benjamin will turn 2 and little Isabella will turn 0. :)
As for our trip, we loved seeing friends and family again. You forget sometimes how much you miss them until you see them again and then you can't bear to leave. Here are a few pictures of the cuteness that is Benjamin at Christmas time. (These were all taken with my mom's camera, in case you're wondering. Ours is currently being fixed. May it come back safe and sound or there won't be another blog entry for a while.) Besides the adjustment to Utah time and several different sleeping locations, he did very well. How could he not, considering he was constantly the center of attention?
It snowed a ton while we were there so we had to make use of Benjamin's new winter jacket. Unlike in Michigan, he couldn't get enough of the snow. We were out there for over an hour and finally had to drag him back inside when we couldn't stand it anymore.

He also discovered the old-school Nintendo system in my mom's basement. Any chance he got, he was down there begging to play it. I have to say, it wasn't such a sacrifice to oblige. :)

The air hockey table at Jill and Zerin's was quite a hit as well.

On Christmas Eve we were with my family playing our favorite game - the candy bar game. Basically an all-out sugar extravaganza built on ruthless competition and a dog-eat-dog mentality that's great for building family unity. :) It was hours past Benjamin's bedtime and still he couldn't get enough of the excitement. It was so fun to watch him with his older cousins. He'd flop down with them and laugh when they'd laugh and try to wrestle with them. I've never seen him so happy around other kids. He was one of the big boys.

He also loved his little cousin Colton (11 months). I tried and tried to get a picture of them playing together, but they were like tasmanian devils darting around the place. I'm still shocked as can be that my cousin managed to get the two of them seated for a split second to get this adorable picture.

On Christmas Day and thereafter, we were with Kelly's family and my favorite part of that time was seeing Benjamin with his cousin Katelyn (1 month younger). They really seemed to have fun together playing with the toy phone, opening presents, and watching movies. I really wish they could spend more time together.

Benjamin's favorite presents were his musical book and his doll. I have really been surprised how interested he's been in babies lately. Real ones, especially, but also dolls. He doesn't carry them around or take care of them like I've seen little girls do, but he no longer throws them across the room or sits on them as often and I think that's a good sign! :) Maybe he's ready for a little sister after all.

So that was our Christmas. Hope everyone else had a great holiday too.