The Detroit Science Center held a "Santa Fest" last week. The actual Christmas aspect of the event was sadly lacking. The crowds were so huge that we waited for 45 minutes just to get in the door and then once inside, we discovered that none of the events they had scheduled were ready yet. People were still walking around carrying tables and setting up lights, etc. Even Santa himself hadn't arrived yet. There were a lot of unhappy people complaining about what a disaster it all was. It was a sad and sorry sight. So we ignored their pitiful attempt at holiday cheer and just enjoyed the center itself. Mostly the "kids' town" - the area for kids 5 and under. Of course, Benjamin was first drawn to the water table and the computers,

but from there he found the play diner (and a little girl with whom to eat),

and the play veterenarian's office (where he bandaged up a kitten),

the theater where he pretended to be a fireman (what else would you expect?),

and the random widget table (which kept him entertained much longer than I expected.) Notice his soaking wet clothes despite the plastic smock he wore at the water table? He is never happier than when he's playing in water. His expressions of delight as the water sprayed around caused all the parents there to laugh along with him.

Bella found some fun things to play with in the baby room too.

It was a good afternoon all around - much needed after Benjamin had refused his nap earlier in the day and was driving me crazy with his fatigued whining. And to the DSC's credit - after sufficient wait time, they did get some things up and running and I was able to take Benjamin and Bella on their first visit to Santa. Benjamin wouldn't sit on his lap but he did cordially shake his hand and pose nicely for the picture (which they took, so I have to wait to receive it). Bella tangled her fingers in his beard and nearly pulled it off his face. The look of shock in Santa's eyes as he pried her hand away was worth the 20 minute wait in line.
The only downer of the day was that I missed my exit on the way home and took over an hour to make a 20 minute drive. I didn't get in an accident, though, so all's well that ends well.