Sunday, March 21, 2021

Little Going On

 I haven't posted in a week and I feel like I should but there's just really nothing to write about.  Every day the same - kids go to school, Peter and I play at home, Kelly sits in the basement all day managing Ford's finances.  The only picture I've taken all day was when Peter beat me to the dirty dishes in the sink and decided the nasty water that had collected in and filled the mixing bowl would make a great place to play.  I put a towel on the floor and let him play.  He was so happy to be splashing that I didn't have the heart to stop him.  When the entire contents of the bowl were on the floor and he was soaked from head to toe, he decided he was done and we went to change.  It was good motivation to change him out of his pajamas anyway.  Some days I find little reason to do so.

His favorite things lately are to play with his marble track, play on the trampoline, read books, roll around on the yoga ball, and play with toy guns.  His cars have become less interesting, but he still loves to watch cars drive by and walking through a parking lot to the store is an eternal process because he wants to stop at every large truck/car and "talk" about it.  He loves the garbage trucks, UPS/Amazon trucks, and mail trucks that come through our neighborhood.  I think he's going to be a car guy like Christian.  Christian loves learning about and comparing cars.  He gets frustrated with me when I can't tell if the Tesla that just drove past me was a model 3 or a Y or an S.  I'm driving here, kid, give me a break!  

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