Monday, September 04, 2006

Let's Go Shopping!

I felt out of sorts Friday and Saturday. Kelly was gone all day both days, not to mention the whole week, of course, and I felt lonely and a little depressed. I don't know why exactly, but subesquently I did what every American girl does to make herself feel better - I went to the mall! In all reality, I'm not a big fan of the mall, but I really wanted to get out and walk around and be around other people besides just Benjamin. So, I dressed him up in a spiffy little outfit, complete with shoes (not easy to put shoes on an infant!) and off we went.

I have to say, I didn't look nearly as good as he did, but no one looks at the person pushing the stroller anyway. Benjamin seemed to really like the mall. He was alert and attentive for a long time. He looked at all the people and the multitude of colors. I noticed he seemed to get a little nervous as I passed through a large group of people waiting for an autograph from a Detroit Tigers player, but he calmed down again right after. He never cried the whole time we were there. It was really fun to window shop. I didn't buy anything for two reasons: 1. I'm a penny-pinching miser who feels mall prices are ridiculous and 2. dealing with a stroller in the dressing room was way too much work. I guess it's just like you never notice how wheelchair unfriendly a place is when you can walk. I noticed how tight many areas in stores are once I had a stroller to push around. However, even though I came home empty handed, and possibly even because I came home empty handed (no buyer's remorse), I felt really good after only a short time in the mall. I also ran into some friends who work at various stores in the mall, who hadn't seen Benjamin yet and it was fun to show him off. By the time we went out to the car, he was worn out and was sound asleep before we even got out of the parking lot.

The many adventures of Benjamin:

Putting up with Mommy's love of hats and cuddly outfits:

Exploring my "big boy" toys:

Talking to the fish that hangs above my play mat:

Dressing up for church:

Taking pictures with Daddy:

Also, update on the sleep situation: although his 12 hour night was a one-time delight, he has been a great sleeper ever since. He sleeps from 9 until 5 or 5:30 every night, eats, and sleeps again until 8. He's a terrific little boy. And the best part is, I no longer wake up every hour fearing the worst. I now sleep peacefully until 5:30 right along with him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! He has the smartest and most thoughtful eyes I have ever seen on a baby. Oh yes - the mall is magic! Let's my money disappear magically each time. Resistance is futile :)
Love the cute outfits.