Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Not Much New

I realize it's been a long time since I've posted anything. I guess we're sunk back in the winter blahs. Our glorious bit of warmth disapeared so quickly. Not much has been happening. But Benjamin and Isabella continue to keep us entertained. Benjamin has also become increasingly verbal. Which, of course, makes for some funny moments too.

I was talking to him about the story of King Noah and the prophet Abinadi.

BENJAMIN: King Noah bad prophet!
ME: King Noah wasn't a prophet. He was a bad king. Prophets are always good. God sends them to teach us. Who was sent to teach Noah the right and to show him how to live?

We were talking about how God has a body, how he gave us bodies that look like his, and how we need to do all we can to keep them healthy and strong, like eating good food. Benjamin's take on the lesson:
"Me eat cream cheese, me eat yogurt, me eat apple, me healthy. Me no eat poop! Yuck! Me sick!"
Good advice.

Also, he's got a hard time with any word that starts with s and then a hard consonant, like p,d,or t. Such as store, spot, stud, etc. We've been working on it with him and he's making progress, but now he thinks whenever he's made a pronunciation error, that it's this issue that's the problem. So on the way home yesterday he was telling me about the large yoga balls he saw in the window of the gym we passed. I didn't see them, though, so I wasn't sure what he was saying at first.
BENJAMIN: Look mama! Balls!
ME: What?
BENJAMIN: Ssssballs! Ssssballs!

After he finished his lunch, he wanted to tell me how fast he ate.
BENJAMIN: Me fast!
ME: Did you say you're fast?
BENJAMIN: Yeah, me ssssfast!

While playing around in the kitchen,
BENJAMIN: Me see lots numbers!
ME: What do you mean you see lots of numbers?
BENJAMIN: See ssssnumbers!

Here are a few more cute pictures. The first is of Benjamin telling me how the man in the picture is a bad man because he wants to trap Gus the firefly in the jar. (Book: Sam and the Firefly) He's got no clothes on (except for the diaper) because Benjamin's least favorite thing is getting dressed, so he spends an inordiante amount of time naked. Luckily he loves snuggling in blankets, so at least he's not too cold most of the time.

We don't have a sled - so this became our sled. Both kids loved being pushed around on it in the snow. Well, Bella did until she fell face first into the snow right after I took this picture.

When daddy's not around to see, we like to get out his guitar and play around on it. It's full of pics that have been accidentally dropped inside and it's largely out of tune now, but none of us can play anyway, so what does it matter? It also makes a lovely drum when all the pics are gone.

1 comment:

ZJBrewCrew said...

I miss you guys! I was laughing so loud as I read about the conversations between you and Benjamin! So funny!! :) I especially loved him learning yogurt is good and poop is bad. Something every kid should know!! :)