Sunday, January 01, 2012

My Little Sunbeam

The start of a new year always marks the start of new primary classes (Sunday school for ages 3-11). I was a bit more stressed then usual this year since it was my first January as Primary President, but we survived with little drama. The best part of today was seeing my little Isabella in the front row with all the Sunbeams (youngest class)! That was awesome. She was such a little cutie in her pigtails, barefoot, beaming up at me. All excited to be with the big kids. Church started at 1pm and all morning she kept saying, "I'm so excited to be a Sunbeam! I'll get to be with you again!" Ever since I left nursery 2 months ago, I've missed being with my little nursery kids, but there they all were again! They all did great. After church, she came running to me and said, "I love Sunbeams, but mommy, did you know, we don't get a snack!?" She was shocked and dismayed. I'd warned her but apparently she hadn't thought it possible. "I told my teacher I was hungry and she said we don't have snack!!" The harsh realities of the grown up world. She's still excited to do it again next week, though. :) Love that girl.

1 comment:

Megan said...

She's adorable! Sandy went to Sunbeams too. And I didn't even think to take a picture.