Thursday, September 11, 2008

Rockin' and Rollin'

I took Benjamin rollerskating yesterday. It was his first time in rollerskates and he looked so confused at first! So we come to this building, put wheels on our feet, and roll around in a circle? What? Once he got the hang of it, though, he seemed pretty excited about this new mode of transportation. We attended a special class for kids under 6 so although he was the youngest one there (besides Isabella), he saw that lots of other kids were doing it and it gave him the courage to give it a try. He held my hand and we went back and forth on the carpet for a bit before venturing out onto the rink. Then he got progressively bolder. What really got him going, though, was when he discovered the arcade games at the opposite end of the rink. Up to this point he'd only skated while holding onto me. But with a cry of "TV!" he let go of my hand and was off. He skated the entire length of the rink without holding on and without falling thanks to this single goal. It took some convincing to get him to continue rollerskating after that. However, we did Simon Says, The HokeyPokey, Red Light Green Light, and The Chicken Dance and he seemed to have a good time. The highlight, though, was when the lady running the class got out some little scooters that you sit on and turn the handle side to side in order to propel yourself forward. Pretty soon it was like bumper cars out there and every kid was out for the kill. It was pretty hysterical. I am so upset that I forgot my camera AGAIN! I need to surgically implant that thing on my forehead. Anyway, I'll have to go again and get some pictures then. For now, here are some cute pics of Benjamin at the park today with his buddy Max.

These ducks must have been so used to kids chasing them all the time that they never even flew away. Just waddled around and gave these boys the time of their life chasing after them.

1 comment:

Than and Erica said...

Oh I miss that park! What fun.