I got Benjamin spoons for Christmas so I was all excited to start him on solid foods. I bought rice ceral, peas, squash, green beans, carrots, apple sauce, etc. etc. etc. I had the high chair, the spoons, the bib - I was ready! Too bad Benjamin had other ideas. The food went on the floor, on his clothes, on my clothes, all over his face, up his nose, but never actually down his throat. I tried everything - he'd taste the first bite and then after a shudder and a look of disgust, he'd turn his face, clamp his mouth shut, and that would be that. Any further attempts to feed him caused him to swipe at the spoon and send it and its contents flying. When he started to get really hungry he'd also start to wail and try to throw himself out of the chair. We struggled through this process and all the above named foods for over a week. Finally I'd had enough and talked to the doctor. He said to put salt or sugar in the food - anything to make it more palatable - get him eating and then reduce the seasoning. So, we started over again, this time with more flavor - rice, squash, carrots, applesauce - all seasoned to perfection. Nothing. Wouldn't eat them. Finally I was ready to throw in the towel and bottle feed forever. But today I tried peas with salt
sugar. Voila! The magic formula! He loved them. I couldn't get the spoon filled and in his mouth fast enough. Suddenly the love of food was awakened. Peas were the catalyst, but later on he ate rice cereal, and for a snack, some Gerber graduates (like cheerios). It was amazing! Something has clicked in his brain and food is no longer the enemy. God bless peas. I don't know if he'll eat everything he's rejected before, but I consider it a battle won that anything at all has finally gone into his little belly. Hurray for small victories.

One of his favorite things is to help with laundry. He likes to sit in the basket and get pushed around and he loves to play with the clothes while I fold them. I love it because it makes the task so much more fun.