Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Some Things Never Change

I made a big effort to organize the closet under our basement stairs. As the kids have outgrown toys, I would put them in there and after a while, it became a mess trying to get at anything else. So I spent an evening organizing and sorting and felt really good about the result. Benjamin must have sensed the change in the aura of the closet because the very next morning he went down there and opened it up. The new perspective on things caught his attention and within moments he'd destroyed my night's work. Every single baby toy I'd carefully stashed away was brought back out and dragged upstairs into the kitchen. I was pretty upset until I saw him on this toy and remembered that sweet little boy three years ago who at 4 1/2 months old did his very first sitting in the exact same spot. At that point I just had to take a picture and stop worrying. I guess the baby toys will be back out in 5 months anyway.

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