Friday, February 26, 2010

Early Heartbreak

We attended Benjamin's preschool Ice Cream Social this evening. He'd been excited about it all week. Dancing and ice cream - you really can't get any better than that. Shortly after we got there he told me, "I'm going to go dance." This kid loves to dance. We went to On the Border (a Mexican restaurant) a few weeks ago and he couldn't sit still while the Latin music played. "I just have to get up and dance," he told me. Then he proceeded to dance his adorable little white boy dances amongst the tables, to the delight of the other customers. "I love this music!" he called out enthusiastically. So, when he decided tonight that he was going to go dance, I wasn't surprised. Before long he asked Megan, a girl from his class, to dance with him. I couldn't get my camera out fast enough, so I only caught the last instant of the dance before Megan saw a group of girls who looked like more fun and dashed off. Benjamin had been smiling and thrilled as he danced with Megan, but when she ran off, his whole demeanor fell. He was crushed. He wasn't himself the whole rest of the night. He refused to dance with me or with anyone else. He pouted and moped and complained and barely ate his ice cream. He had two separate tantrums and the whole evening fell apart. Even the line dances - YMCA, Thriller, etc. were of no comfort. "I want someone to dance with me!" he whined. I explained that he needed to smile and ask someone, but he refused. Megan was busy jumping around and conga-lining with others and he was unwilling to make another move. How do you teach a kid not to let one little setback ruin an entire evening? I really didn't think I'd have to worry about this sort of thing this early! I figured sometime in elementary school, maybe. My first heartbreak came in 5th grade over Brian Allen dumping me for a 6th grader, but at 3 years old??! Alas, the world is a different place now, I guess. Thank goodness for Bella. She's a hokey-pokey fool! No one can "shake it all about" like she can. She had a blast. She even asked someone to dance with her during the Macarena. What a social butterfly.


Megan said...

I love it, what personality your kids have! I, too, have been so amazed at some of the "teenage" behavior I've seen from my toddler. Sandy has started going into her room, shutting the door, and turning on her music. If I go in, I get a dirty look. Oh, my! What are we in for when our kids become teenagers?

Thanks for your comment on my potty post. Sandy hasn't actually peed or pooped in the toilet yet so I don't have any tips to share. If you come up with anything that works for Bella, please let me know!

Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

That is just absolutely adorable! Poor litttel man...I hope that his heart is doing better. Thanks for sharing.