Some other things they've wanted to do was make soft pretzels. So we did that and they didn't turn out too bad. While they were baking, Bella decided to finger paint on the counter top with the egg wash. Not so happy about that but luckily she didn't eat it.
Another day Benjamin wanted to take his toys for a swim in the sink, so he got a big bowl and his animals and dolls and set them swimming, with a sponge boat to float on. They both had a blast with this and of course, got soaked head to toe. I think this was inspired by one of his favorite books, The Tub People by Pam Conrad. Very cute book.
I also wanted to see how much the kids understood about money. In Kindergarten Benjamin will be learning a lot about counting money and so I decided to play bank. I got out some pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, as well as 1, 5, 10, and 20 dollar bills. Then we took turns being customer, banker, or security guard. The customer came into the bank, filled out a withdrawal slip (just a blank piece of paper with one line on where they'd write the amount), then took it to the banker who gave them that amount of money. Then the customer would steal from the banker, get run down and killed by the security guard (Benjamin's favorite part) and the money would be returned. I was impressed with them. Benjamin needed help counting out the money, but he knew what each coin was worth and that you can, for example, give 5 pennies or 1 nickel, etc. Even Bella did a great job. When she was customer, she wrote three circles on the paper, brought it to Benjamin, the banker, and said, "I'd like to have 79 cents please." It was so cute.
So we've had fun trying to survive what is hopefully the last of cold winter days.
Michelle --- I hadn't seen any of you or the blog for long I just took a few minutes to look!! So, so funny!! I think when your kids are grown up, you ought to seriously consider writing a book!! You have the best way of saying things --- I could read your writing all day if I had the time. So many things you mention about your kiddos are so familiar to me!! I just never write about any of it!! Thanks for sharing!
Run down and killed by the security guard?! So funny! I am always amazed at how you really love to play with your kids. I have to try really, really hard to actually play because I always have other tasks on my mind or try to turn everything into a teaching moment. :)
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