I hate to blog about things too early because I tend to jinx myself, but we're making slow and steady progress around here and I have to share the joy. Bella has been the queen of stubborn regarding potty training. Besides the brief novelty of the new toilet, nothing has been able to get her interested. Sticker charts and bribery be damned. She couldn't care less. So we've started with small steps, just like we did with Benjamin. She can poop in her diaper, but she has to be in the bathroom. If nothing else, it gets her in the habit of going to the right location. She's been faithfully doing this for a few weeks now. However, if I don't come in there quickly after she's done, she starts causing trouble. I've cleaned up sunscreen, zit cream, and hydrocortisone cream from all surfaces in my bathroom at various times. Nothing like seeing your expensive zit cream smeared all over the shower curtain. So when she went in there yesterday, I quickly followed her in and asked (as I do every day), "Would you like to poop in the potty?" Usually I always get a "no" to this, but yesterday I got a "yes." And she did!! It was fabulous. A quick flush and done. So wonderful. Needless to say, today was back to old ways, but there was, for a brief moment, a glimmer of hope and I will cling to that. She may potty train after all! :)
Other note of progress - Christian slept through the night!!! And there was much rejoicing in the land. It was not without tears, mind you, but it happened! 7pm to 7am! He had started to seem uninterested in eating at night, but was still waking up. We decided it was time to put an end to the insanity. The first night he cried for 2 hours but finally went back to sleep. The second night it was 1 hour. The third night it was 30 minutes. Then success!! It is glorious. Finally I'm beginning to feel like a normal human being again. Of course, now I won't be able to blame any of my memory lapses or idiot-moments on sleep deprivation. ;)
What is it with stubborn two year old and potty training. Michelle was doing well for about a month, now she wants to see how long she can wait it seems.
And so happy for you to get sleep. Maybe by the end of the month we will get there also.
Cry it Out, Sleep Training: Is CIO Biblical?
"Some Christians insist it is wrong for the mother to “cater to her infant’s whims”. They believe it is the infant’s sinful nature that is trying to control and manipulate his parents by crying. Feeding-on-demand and not sleeping alone are cautioned against as being too child-centered. To the contrary, we see normal infant needy behavior, not as a sign of sin in the infant, but rather as an expression of genuine need. We believe God gave babies special gifts to get our attention so we would fulfill our responsibility of meeting their needs. A child crying for his mother is not manipulation. Expressing his need for his mother is a healthy sign of attachment. He is crying because he feels abandoned, and he is clearly expressing his feelings of fear and neglect.
Consider how our selfish, sinful nature desires to neglect our own children. We believe God knew we would get so preoccupied with other things – even so-called important things – that left to our own fallen nature, we would not give our babies the high level of nurturing that would help them develop to their fullest potential – physically, emotionally, mentally, and intellectually.
Standing outside baby’s bedroom door, listening to his desperate pleas for comfort makes a mother feel terrible, both emotionally, and even physically. It is a self-imposed helplessness that results in discomfort and guilt feelings even though her mind is trying to convince her it is the “right thing to do”. Is that really God’s plan for mothers and babies?"
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