Saturday, May 23, 2020

Weekly Misery

I've never loved shopping but since I've had to start wearing a mask every time I need to go to the store, it's become pure torture.  I shop for an elderly friend and I take another friend who doesn't have a car with me each week and between shopping for myself, my elderly friend, and picking up and dropping off the other friend, my weekly trip takes about 4 hours.  After 4 hours in a mask, I'm ready to cry.  I always have a headache, feel nauseous and am sooo grumpy.  Today, though, although I was emotionally miserable, as I always am shopping amid all the masked people, my nausea, eye irritation, and headache weren't quite as bad.  When I got home Bella asked, "Was the mask just as awful as always?''  She proceeded to tell me that she'd prayed for me that I wouldn't mind the mask as much and that I'd be better able to handle it while I shopped.  So sweet!  That really touched me. Such a sweet, thoughtful girl.  We were not without issues today and I was so tired from being up with Peter all night that I was grumpy all day, but that was such a sweet thing and I was so grateful. 

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