Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Last Days of Summer

 We got the emails with everyone's online school schedules and it so depressed me that we had to get out.  Everyone said what they wanted to try was Go Kart Racing.  As soon as Peter went down for his nap, we headed out.  Kelly working from home has its benefits!  I had no idea how much fun Go Karts could be!  Of course, Benjamin was the speed-demon.  He got faster and faster and no one else could keep up.  He said he learned how fast he could take each turn and just went full out the whole time.  Christian was the grandma of the group - careful, steady pace, around and around.  I worried he didn't like it but he said he had a great time and it didn't bother him that he got lapped over and over again by all of us.  Bella and I were in the middle pace.  I passed her a couple times, but we both managed good speed while not taking too many risks.  It's very hard to take pictures when you're driving, so I didn't get many good ones, but we are definitely going back there.

The place also had bungee trampoline jumping, batting cages, and mini-golf.  Mini-golf is a "been there done that" for us.  We did that A LOT when the kids were little.  No one was really interested in doing that.  However, Benjamin loved the idea of batting without dealing with my crappy pitches, so I bought him 75 pitches in the batting cage.  He and Bella both wanted to try the bungee jumping, so they did that.  Afterwards I treated everyone to ice cream and we got home just 15 minutes after Peter woke up.  It was perfect.  I'm so glad we were able to spend some time all together doing something the older kids really enjoyed.  Having Peter around makes that hard sometimes.

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