Saturday, October 04, 2008

Happy October!

I am so happy it's October. I will miss the warm weather and the BEAUTIFUL summer we had this year, but October means my birthday is almost here and I'm so excited! I don't know why but no matter how much older I get, I still love to celebrate my birthday. I have the kids' Halloween costumes ready - Benjamin picked his out himself - and I've got party plans and ideas already swirling around in my mind. It's going to be so fun. (No - Kelly's suit is not his costume.)

Benjamin is in gymnastics right now and he and I love it. He's amazingly strong and coordinated and it's so fun to watch him have so much fun and feel so proud of his accomplishments. He loves to come home and keep practicing - summersaults, handstands, cartwheels, etc. Every curb or log becomes a balance beam. A dad at the playground yesterday said, "Is that little blonde boy your son? He's a little monkey! He's amazing!" Aw, shucks. :)

On another note, the universe has it out for my car. I was sitting in the living room reading with Benjamin while Isabella napped, when I heard a loud crash in the garage. Upon inspection, we discovered our bike stand had come detached from the wall and the 2 bikes and the stand had fallen onto my car, severely denting and scratching it in various places. I won't even go into what happened to the bikes and the stand! Alas, this time I'm NOT counting it as an accident! I was definitely not at fault! :)

Isabella has her first cold right now. The poor little girl sounds like a little pig snorting and sniffing. The upside is that it's made her sleepy and she's finally been taking longer naps! :)

That's really it around here. Boring, I know. Mostly I'm just trying to sift through all the mumbo-jumbo and decide who to vote for next month. I keep flip-flopping. If anyone has a strong opinion one way or another, I'd love to hear your reason. I'd really like to feel good about a candidate for once and stop simply voting for the "better of the two evils."

(Yes, I know the pictures have no relevance to the text. I just had these cute pictures and wanted to share them. In case you're wondering, there are beans in the exersaucer because we had been bowling with cans and I wanted them out of the way. We really don't usually store our food in the kids' toys.)


Loni said...

Isn't it fun to get compliments on your kids from strangers? I love it. It just shows that strangers appreciate the same things you love about your kids, and just makes you smile!

Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

You can post any pictures of your kids at anytime. I love to see their cute faces and how they have grown.
I also wanted to respond to the comment you left on my blog. I actually did my background myself by going to Shabby Princess (the link is on my blog) and down loading some cute (free) scrapbooking paper. I have a link on my blog that will walk you through making your own blog and it is very useful. I noticed that you have a LeeLou Template right now and she is my favorite. I know she plans on coming out with some Halloween templates soon, so keep your eye out for that.
I can't wait to see what your kids will be for Halloween. They'll be cute no matter what!

T and B said...

I am so excited that October is here too. I am loving this fall season!

I hope Isabella gets better before your trip next weekend. I love Benjamin in Kelly's suit. So cute!

Tara G. said...

I love your background! It looks really cute. I love Halloween too and can't wait to go trick or treating this year! Bella is getting so big - your kids are both little cuties!

Brooke said...

Oh, the cuteness! I love those smiles -- the kids are so much bigger just since we saw them last in June!

Brooke said...

Oh, the cuteness! I love those smiles -- the kids are so much bigger just since we saw them last in June!

Stacy said...

Birthdays! That's probably a huge reason why I love October and Halloween, too. Thanks for reminding me. Man, I'm gonna be old this year. It's time to stop counting. And I keep flip-flopping on the presidential candidates, too! The VP debate didn't help me. Ugh. Oh, and I can't believe you had another incident with your car! That is truly crazy. Best of luck this week!

Jennica said...

oh my gosh isabella is sooo cute! she looks like your dad!! i can't wait to see you guys at christmas! adorable! and benjamin is getting so big... i love you guys!!

Kyle/Michelle said...

The kiddos are the cutest! We love October too, so many great things to do.